Modelling Distribution with Partial Orders

Alain Girault
Visiting Scholar
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
UC Berkeley

October 10, 1996
Hogan Room, 531 Cory Hall
4:00-5:00 p.m.


In this seminar, we address the problem of automatic synthesis of distributed programs. The program is specified as a sequential reactive automaton, and the distribution is specified as a mapping of the set of variables onto the processors. The distribution process is based on the distribution of actions. We set up a new theoretical model, order-automata, for describing and understanding the distribution process.

We briefly present the distribution process, then describe our order-automata and their properties. We use order-automata to model the distribution process and prove its correctness.

This is joint work by Benoit Caillaud, Paul Caspi, Alain Girault and Claude Jard. The presentation will be given by Alain Girault.