Process Networks Model of Computation: Nondeterminism, Mutating Networks and design of architectures.

Researchers: Mudit Goel
Advisor:Edward A. Lee

In the process networks model of computation [1], a network of processes communicate through a set of single-input single-output FIFO channels. Blocking reads and non-blocking writes on the channels help ensure determinacy. This is a highly concurrent model of computation suitable for certain kinds of embedded systems.

The applicability of process networks to embedded systems can be improved by introducing a model of time. This enables modeling of real-time behavior.

My research involves extending this model of computation further to enable mutations of a network. This requires determining the rules on mutations that would keep the mutating network deterministic, or non-deterministic in some controlled way. I am also studying different ways in which non-determinism can arise because of different points of mutations. Mutating networks can be used to model applications with migrating code, agents, and arrivals and departures of customers and services.

[1] G. Kahn, "The semantics of a simple language for parallel programming," Info. Proc., pages 471-475, Stockholm, Aug., 1974.

Last updated 11/22/98. Send comments to