EGNode* newNode(DataFlowStar* s, int i);This method creates a node in the APEG graph. Here, it creates a DLNode.
DLGraph has a protected member maintaining the number of unscheduled nodes.
int unschedNodes;We may check whether the scheduler is deadlocked or not by examining this variable when the scheduler halts. This can be manipulated by the public methods
void decreaseNodes();The first method decrements
int numUnSchedNodes();
and the second method returns it.The DLGraph class redefines
void resetGraph();This makes the initial list of runnable nodes and sets the variable described above. This method internally calls the following protected method:
virtual void resetNodes();This method resets the busy flag and the
member of DLNodes.There are three other public members.
DLNode* fetchNode();Fetches a DLNode from the head of the list of runnable nodes.
StringList display();Displays the APEG and the list of source nodes.