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Software Synthesis for DSP Using Ptolemy

4.0 Conclusions

In this paper, we have introduced the code generation aspects of Ptolemy. It has been demonstrated that this platform provides an extensible signal processing code generation environment. Given the object-oriented design, Ptolemy allows the user to easily define new targets, stars, and schedulers. Once new blocks are defined they are easily incorporated into the Ptolemy environment, promoting code reuse. The ptlang preprocessor makes target and star writing systematic, especially for those unfamiliar with C++ or the Ptolemy kernel.

Comparing Ptolemy to the other DSP code generation platforms such Comdisco DPC [1], Mentor DSP Station, and Descartes [7], is difficult since we have addressed somewhat orthogonal issues. Some of these other code generators will do better in terms of efficiency for most SDF assembly language dataflow graphs. The reason for this lies in the fact that we have not implemented register allocation. We will be incorporating register allocation in the near future (see section 5.0). We can, however, compare Ptolemy to the other code generators in terms of features.

The major differences concern the handling of multirate signal processing. To implement a multirate graph, the Comdisco system uses "hold" signals on blocks. This introduces run-time conditional branching whenever the hold pins are connected. Unfortunately, the conditional branching is required even if the control flow is totally predictable at compile time. The Mentor DSP Station is built on top of the Silage language, which has only a limited mechanism for expressing multirate systems. Silage contains upsample and downsample operators; however, it is impossible to write a polyphase multirate FIR filter block. To efficiently implement a multirate FIR filter (getting a polyphase implementation), Silage relies on dead-code elimination by the compiler. It is not clear how effective today's compilers would be in eliminating this dead-code. In Ptolemy, a polyphase FIR filter would simply be defined as a star, thus producing no dead-code.

Significant features distinguishing Ptolemy are the modularity gained from its objected oriented design and its support for heterogenous architectures. We already support many scheduling algorithms. It is simple to test new scheduling heuristics and contrast those results with the supported schedulers. Also, we are not constrained to one particular scheduler for a signal processing application. Thus, a user is able to choose different schedulers for the various child-targets or domains in a single DSP application. For all other systems that we are aware of, a single scheduler is an integral part of the system.

The parallel schedulers are of particular interest. Here we are able to split, under special circumstances, the various invocations of a star instance over multiple processors. To do this we have defined Spread, Collect, Send and Receive stars. A great deal of support is provided for heterogeneous targets. For example, when a heterogeneous target specification is designed, previously defined targets can be used as the basic building blocks to more complex systems. The building block targets, in turn, can be either single-processor or multiple-processor targets.

Software Synthesis for DSP Using Ptolemy - 04 SEP 94

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