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Introduction 1

1. Basic concepts, classes, and facilities
1.1 The C++ Subset Used In Ptolemy 1-1
1.2 Iterators 1-1
1.3 Non-class utility procedures 1-2
1.4 Generic Data Structures 1-3
1.5 Class SequentialList 1-3
SequentialList information functions 1-3
Functions that modify a SequentialList 1-3
Class ListIter 1-4
1.6 Doubly linked lists 1-4
Class DoubleLink 1-4
Class DoubleLinkList 1-5
Class DoubleLinkIter 1-6
1.7 Other generic container classes 1-7
Class Queue 1-7
Class Stack 1-7
1.8 Class NamedObj 1-7
NamedObj constructors and destructors 1-8
NamedObj public members 1-8
Flags on named objects 1-9
NamedObj protected members 1-10
1.9 Class NamedObjList 1-10
NamedObjList information functions 1-10
Other NamedObjList functions 1-10
NamedObjList iterators 1-11
1.10 Attributes 1-11
Attribute member functions 1-11
1.11 FlagArray 1-12
FlagArray constructors and destructor 1-12
FlagArray public methods 1-12
2. Support for multithreading
2.1 Class PtGate 2-1
2.2 Class CriticalSection 2-1
2.3 Class GateKeeper 2-2
2.4 Class KeptGate 2-3
3. Block and related classes
3.1 Class Block 3-1
Block constructors and destructors 3-1
Block public "information" members 3-1
Other Block public members 3-2
Block protected members 3-4
Block iterator classes 3-4
3.2 Class Star 3-4
Star public members 3-4
Star protected members 3-5
3.3 Class Galaxy 3-5
Galaxy public members 3-5
Galaxy protected members 3-6
Galaxy iterators 3-7
3.4 Class DynamicGalaxy 3-7
3.5 Class InterpGalaxy 3-7
Building structures with InterpGalaxy 3-8
Deleting InterpGalaxy structures 3-9
InterpGalaxy and cloning 3-10
Other InterpGalaxy functions 3-10
3.6 Class Runnable 3-10
3.7 Class Universe 3-11
3.8 Class InterpUniverse 3-11
4. Control of Execution and Error Reporting
4.1 Class Target 4-1
Target public members 4-1
Target protected members 4-4
4.2 Class Scheduler 4-5
Scheduler public members 4-6
Scheduler protected members 4-7
4.3 Class Error 4-7
4.4 Class SimControl 4-8
Access to SimControl status flags. 4-8
Pre-actions and Post-actions 4-9
SimControl interrupts and polling 4-9
5. Interfacing domains - wormholes and related classes
5.1 Class Wormhole 5-1
Wormhole public members 5-1
Wormhole protected members 5-2
5.2 Class EventHorizon 5-3
How EventHorizons are used 5-3
EventHorizon public members 5-3
EventHorizon protected members 5-4
5.3 Class ToEventHorizon 5-4
5.4 Class FromEventHorizon 5-5
5.5 Class WormMultiPort 5-5
6. Classes for connections between blocks
6.1 Class GenericPort 6-1
GenericPort query functions 6-1
Other GenericPort public members 6-3
GenericPort protected members 6-3
6.2 Class PortHole 6-3
PortHole public members 6-4
PortHole protected members 6-6
CircularBuffer - a class used to implement PortHole 6-7
6.3 Class MultiPortHole 6-8
MultiPortHole public members 6-8
MultiPortHole protected members 6-8
6.4 AutoFork and AutoForkNode 6-9
Class AutoFork 6-9
Class AutoForkNode 6-9
6.5 Class ParticleStack 6-10
6.6 Class Geodesic 6-10
Geodesic public members 6-11
Geodesic protected members 6-13
6.7 Class Plasma 6-13
6.8 Class ParticleQueue 6-14
6.9 Classes for Galaxy ports 6-15
6.10 The PortHole type resolution algorithm 6-15
6.11 Changes since Ptolemy0.6 6-18
7. Particles and Messages
7.1 Class Particle 7-1
7.2 Particle public members 7-1
7.3 Arithmetic Particle classes 7-2
7.4 The Heterogeneous Message Interface 7-2
Class Envelope 7-3
Class Message 7-4
Class MessageParticle 7-5
7.5 Example Message types 7-5
8. The incremental linker
8.1 ld -A style linking vs. dlopen() style linking 8-1
8.2 Temporary vs. Permanent Incremental Linking 8-1
8.3 Linker public members 8-2
8.4 Linker implementation 8-3
Shared Objects and dlopen() style linking 8-3
Porting the Dynamic Linking capability 8-3
ld -A Style Dynamic Linking 8-4
dlopen() Style Dynamic Linking 8-4
9. Parameters and States
9.1 Class State 9-1
State public members 9-1
The State parser and protected members 9-2
9.2 Types of states 9-5
Class IntState and class FloatState 9-5
Class ComplexState 9-5
Class StringState 9-5
Numeric array states 9-5
Class StringArrayState 9-6
10. Support for known lists and such
10.1 Class KnownBlock 10-1
10.2 Class KnownTarget 10-3
10.3 Class Domain 10-4
Domain virtual functions 10-4
10.4 Class KnownState 10-5
11. I/O classes
11.1 StringList, a kind of String class 11-1
StringList constructors and assignment operators 11-1
Adding to StringLists 11-1
StringList information functions 11-2
StringList conversion to const char * 11-2
StringList destruction and zeroing 11-2
Class StringListIter 11-3
11.2 InfString, a class supporting unbounded strings 11-3
InfString constructors and assignment operators 11-3
Adding to InfStrings 11-4
InfString information functions 11-4
InfString conversion to char * 11-4
InfString destruction and zeroing 11-4
Class InfStringIter 11-4
11.3 Tokenizer, a simple lexical analyzer class 11-5
Initializing Tokenizer objects 11-5
Reading from Tokenizers 11-5
Tokenizer include files 11-6
11.4 pt_ifstream and pt_ofstream: augmented fstream classes 11-6
11.5 XGraph, an interface to the xgraph program 11-7
11.6 Histogram classes 11-7
Class Histogram 11-8
Class XHistogram 11-8
12. Miscellaneous classes
12.1 Mathematical classes 12-1
Class Complex 12-1
class Fraction 12-2
12.2 Class IntervalList 12-2
class Interval and methods 12-2
IntervalList public members 12-3
IntervalList iterator classes. 12-4
12.3 Classes for interacting with the system clock 12-4
13. Overview of Parallel Code Generation
14. APEG generation
14.1 Class EGArc 13-1
14.2 Class EGGate 13-1
EGGate public members 13-1
Class EGGateList 13-3
14.3 Class EGNode 13-4
Other EGNode public members 13-4
EGNodeList 13-5
14.4 Class ExpandedGraph 13-5
Other ExpandedGraph public members 13-6
Iterators for ExpandedGraph 13-7
15. Parallel Schedulers
15.1 ParNode 15-1
ParNode protected members 15-1
Other ParNode public members 15-2
Iterators for ParNode 15-4
15.2 Class ParGraph 15-4
Other ParGraph protected members 15-5
Other ParGraph public members 15-5
Class NodePair 15-6
15.3 Class ParScheduler 15-6
compileRun method 15-7
Other ParScheduler protected members 15-8
Other ParScheduler public members 15-8
15.4 class ParProcessors 15-9
Other ParProcessors protected members 15-10
Other ParProcessors public members 15-10
15.5 UniProcessor 15-11
Class NodeSchedule 15-12
Members for scheduling 15-12
Sub-Universe creation 15-13
Members for code generation 15-15
Other UniProcessor protected members 15-16
Other UniProcessor public members 15-16
Iterator for UniProcessor 15-17
15.6 Dynamic Level Scheduler 15-17
15.7 Class DLGraph 15-17
15.8 class DLScheduler 15-18
15.9 Class DLParProcs 15-19
15.10 Hu Level Scheduler 15-20
Class HuNode 15-20
Class HuGraph 15-21
Class HuScheduler 15-21
Class HuParProcs 15-22
15.11 Declustering Scheduler 15-22
Class DCNode 15-24
Classes DCArc and DCArcList 15-25
Class DCGraph 15-26
Class DCCluster 15-27
Class DCClusterList 15-29
Class DCClustArc and class DCClustArcList 15-30
Class DCParProcs 15-30
16. Base Code Generation Domain and Supporting Classes
16.1 Class CodeStream 16-1
Class NamedList 16-3
16.2 Class CodeBlock and Macros 16-3
16.3 Class SymbolList and Unique Symbol Generation 16-5
16.4 Class CGGeodesic and Resource Management 16-8
16.5 Utility Functions 16-10
16.6 Class CGStar 16-10
CGStar Protected Methods and Members 16-10
CGStar Public Methods 16-11
16.7 Class CGPortHole 16-12
Buffer Management 16-12
Buffer Embedding 16-12
Geodesic Switching 16-13
Other CGPortHole Members 16-14
CGPortHole Derived Classes 16-14
17. Target
17.1 Class CGTarget 17-1
Other CGTarget protected members 17-5
Other CGTarget public members 17-5
Class HLLTarget 17-7
17.2 Multiprocessor Targets 17-7
Class MultiTarget 17-8
Class CGMultiTarget 17-10
Class CGSharedBus 17-14
17.3 Heterogeneous Support 17-15
18. CGC Domain
18.1 Buffer Allocation 18-1
Buffer requirement 18-2
Splice stars 18-4
Buffer naming 18-6
18.2 Data structure for galaxy and stars 18-7
Buffer initialization 18-8
18.3 CGC code streams 18-8
18.4 Other CGCPortHole members 18-9
18.5 Other CGCStar members 18-10
18.6 Other CGCTarget members 18-11
Other CGCTarget protected members 18-11
Other CGCTarget public members 18-12
18.7 Class CGCMultiTarget 18-13
CGCMultiTarget protected members 18-14
CGCMultiTarget public members 18-15
18.8 Status 18-15
18.9 References 18-16

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