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5.4 Options

Pxgraph accepts a large number of options most of which can be specified either on the command line, in the user's ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources file, or in the data files themselves. A list of these options is given below. The command line option is specified first with its X default or data file name (if any) in parenthesis afterward. The format of the option in the X defaults file is "program.option: value" where program is the program name (pxgraph) and the option name is the one specified below. Option specifications in the data file are similar to the X defaults file specification except the program name is omitted.

-<digit> <name>
These options specify the data set name for the corresponding data set. The digit should be in the range "0" to "63". This name will be used in the legend.
-bar (BarGraph)
Specifies that vertical bars should be drawn from the data points to a base point which can be specified with -brb. Usually, the -nl flag is used with this option. The point itself is located at the center of the bar.
-bb (BoundBox)
Draw a bounding box around the data region. This is very useful if you prefer to see tick marks rather than grid lines (see -tk).
-bd <color> (Border)

This specifies the border color of the pxgraph window.
This specifies that the input is a binary file rather than an ASCII file.
-db (Debug)
Causes pxgraph to run in synchronous mode and prints out the values of all known defaults.
-gw (GridSize)
Width, in pixels, of normal grid lines.
-gs (GridStyle)
Line style pattern of normal grid lines.
-lnx (LogX)
Specifies a logarithmic X axis. Grid labels represent powers of ten.
-lny (LogY)
Specifies a logarithmic Y axis. Grid labels represent powers of ten.
-m (Markers)
Mark each data point with a distinctive marker. There are eight distinctive markers used by pxgraph. These markers are assigned uniquely to each different line style on black and white machines and varies with each color on color machines.
-M (StyleMarkers)
Similar to -m but markers are assigned uniquely to each eight consecutive data sets (this corresponds to each different line style on color machines).
-nl (NoLines)
Turn off drawing lines. When used with -m, -M, -p, or -P this can be used to produce scatter plots. When used with -bar, it can be used to produce standard bar graphs.
-p (PixelMarkers)
Marks each data point with a small marker (pixel sized). This is usually used with the -nl option for scatter plots.
-P (LargePixels)
Similar to -p but marks each pixel with a large dot.
-rv (ReverseVideo)

Reverse video. On black and white displays, this will invert the foreground and background colors. The behavior on color displays is undefined.
-tk (Ticks)
This option causes pxgraph to draw tick marks rather than full grid lines. The -bb option is also useful when viewing graphs with tick marks only.
Some options can only be specified in the X defaults file or in the data files. These options are described below:

Specifies the color for a data set. Eight independent colors can be specified. Thus, the digit should be between `0' and `7'. If there are more than eight data sets, the colors will repeat but with a new line style (see below).
Specifies the line style for a data set. A string of ones and zeros specifies the pattern used for the line style. Eight independent line styles can be specified. Thus, the digit should be between `0' and `7'. If there are more than eight data sets, these styles will be reused. On color workstations, one line style is used for each of eight colors. Thus, 64 unique data sets can be displayed.
The default output form presented in the hardcopy dialog (i.e. Postscript, HPGL, etc.).
The default setting of whether output goes directly to a device or to a file. This must be one of the strings To File or To Device.
The default file name or device string in the hardcopy dialog.
Width, in pixels, of the zero grid line.
Line style pattern of the zero grid line.

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