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This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright.
  1. T. M. Parks, Bounded Scheduling of Process Networks, Technical Report UCB/ERL-95-105. Ph.D. Dissertation. EECS Department, University of California. Berkeley, CA 94720, December 1995.
  2. Sundararajan Sriram, Minimizing Communication and Synchronization Overhead in Multiprocessors for Digital Signal Processing, Tech. Report UCB/ERL 95/90, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, November 7, 1995.
  3. J. L. Pino, S. S. Bhattacharyya and E. A. Lee, ``A Hierarchical Multiprocessor Scheduling System for DSP Applications,'' Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 29 - November 1, 1995.
  4. T. M. Parks, J. L. Pino, and E. A. Lee, ``A Comparison of Synchronous and Cyclo-Static Dataflow,'' Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 29 - November 1, 1995.
  5. S. S. Bhattacharyya, P. K. Murthy, and E. A. Lee, ``Optimal Parenthesization of Lexical Orderings for DSP Block Diagrams,'' in Proc. IEEE Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing, Osaka, Japan, October 16-18, 1995.
  6. S. S. Bhattacharyya, S. Sriram, and E. A. Lee, ``Resynchronization for Embedded Multiprocessors,'' ERL Technical Report UCB/ERL M95/70, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, September, 1995.
  7. Asawaree Kalavade, System Level Codesign of Mixed Hardware-Software Systems, Tech. Report UCB/ERL 95/88, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, September, 1995.
  8. B. L. Evans, D. R. Firth, K. D. White, and E. A. Lee, ``Automatic Generation of Programs That Jointly Optimize Characteristics of Analog Filter Designs,'' Proc. of European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, August 27-31, 1995, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1047-1050.
  9. S. S. Bhattacharyya, S. Sriram, and E. A. Lee, ``Minimizing Synchronization Overhead in Statically Scheduled Multiprocessor Systems,'' Proc. of IEEE Int. Conference on Application Specific Array Processors, July 24-26, 1995.
  10. B. L. Evans, S. X. Gu, A. Kalavade, and E. A. Lee, ``Symbolic Computation in System Simulation and Design,'' Invited Paper, Proc. of SPIE Int. Sym. on Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations, July 9-16, 1995, San Diego, CA, pp. 396-407.
  11. W.-T. Chang, A. Kalavade, and E. A. Lee, ``Effective Heterogeneous Design and Cosimulation,'', chapter in Hardware/Software Co-design, G. DeMicheli and M. Sami, eds., NATO ASI Series Vol. 310, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1996. Also presented at NATO Advanced Study Institute Workshop on Hardware/Software Codesign, Lake Como, Italy, June 18 -- 30, 1995.
  12. S. S. Bhattacharyya, P. K. Murthy, and E. A. Lee, ``Converting Graphical DSP Programs into Memory-Constrained Software Prototypes,'' Proc. of IEEE Int. Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, Chapel Hill, NC, June 7-9, 1995
  13. A. Kalavade and E. A. Lee, ``The Extended Partitioning Problem: Hardware/Software Mapping and Implementation-Bin Selection,'' Proc. of IEEE Int. Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, Chapel Hill, NC, June 7-9, 1995
  14. C. Schwarz, J. Teich, A. Vainshtein, E. Welzl, and B. L. Evans, ``Minimal Enclosing Parallelogram with Application,'' ACM Sym. on Computational Geometry, June 5-7, 1995, Vancouver, Canada.
  15. E. A. Lee and T. M. Parks, ``Dataflow Process Networks,'', Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 83, no. 5, pp. 773-801, May, 1995.
  16. J. L. Pino, S.S. Bhattacharyya and E. A. Lee, A Hierarchical Multiprocessor Scheduling Framework for Synchronous Dataflow Graphs, UCB/ERL M95/36, May 30, 1995.
  17. R. H. Bamberger, B. L. Evans, E. A. Lee, J. H. McClellan, and M. A. Yoder, ``Integrating Layout, Analysis, and Simulation Tools in Electronic Courseware for Teaching Signal Processing,'' Invited Paper, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, May 8-12, 1995, Detroit, MI, pp. 2873-2876
  18. A. Kalavade, J. L. Pino, and E. A. Lee, ``Managing Complexity in Heterogeneous Specification, Simulation, and Synthesis,'' Invited Paper, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, May 8-12, 1995, Detroit, MI, pp. 2833-2836
  19. K. Khiar and E. A. Lee, ``Modeling Radar Systems Using Hierarchical Dataflow,'' in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Detroit, MI, May 8-12, 1995, pp. 3259-3262.
  20. T. M. Parks and E. A. Lee, ``Non Preemptive Real-Time Scheduling of Dataflow Systems,'' in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Detroit, MI, May 8-12, 1995, pp. 3235-3238.
  21. J. L. Pino and E. A. Lee, ``Hierarchical Static Scheduling of Dataflow Graphs onto Multiple Processors,'' Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Detroit, MI, May 8-12, 1995, pp. 2643-2646
  22. S. S. Bhattacharyya, P. K. Murthy, and E. A. Lee, ``Renesting Single Appearance Schedules to Minimize Buffer Memory'', UCB/ERL Technical Memorandum UCB/ERL M95/43, Electronics Research Lab., UC Berkeley, CA 94720, April, 1 1995.
  23. The Ptolemy Team, ``The Ptolemy Kernel-- Supporting Heterogeneous Design,'' RASSP Digest Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 14-17, 1st Quarter, April, 1995.
  24. P. K. Murthy, and E. A. Lee, ``A Generalization of Multidimensional Synchronous Dataflow to Handle Arbitrary Sampling Lattices'', ERL Technical Report UCB/ERL M95/59, Electronics Research Lab, UC, Berkeley, CA 94720, March 20, 1995. .
  25. S. S. Bhattacharyya, J. T. Buck, S. Ha, and E. A. Lee, ``Generating Compact Code from Dataflow Specifications of Multirate Signal Processing Algorithms'', IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 138-150, March 1995.
  26. J. L. Pino, S. Ha, E. A. Lee, and J. T. Buck, ``Software Synthesis for DSP Using Ptolemy,'' Journal on VLSI Signal Processing, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 7-21, Jan., 1995.
  27. S. S. Bhattacharyya, P. K. Murthy, and E. A. Lee, ``Two Complementary Heuristics for Translating Graphical DSP Programs into Minimum Memory Software Implementations,'' Memorandum No. UCB/ERL M95/3, Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, January 10, 1995.
  28. S. S. Bhattacharyya, S. Sriram, and E. A. Lee, ``Optimizing Synchronization in Multiprocessor Implementations of Iterative Dataflow Programs,'' ERL Technical Report UCB/ERL M95/2, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, January 5, 1995. . Also, to appear in IEEE Tr. on Signal Processing.

Created Mon Feb 22 14:12:22 1999
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