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  1. ``DSP Design Group -- Summary of Research Activities,'' ibid.
  2. E. A. Lee, ``Design Methodology for DSP,'' annual reports for the State of California MICRO project.
  3. ``The MicroAlmagest - Ptolemy 0.6 Instructional DSP Manual,'' February, 1997
  4. ``The Almagest -- Ptolemy 0.7 Manual,'' ibid, June 13, 1997(four volumes -
  5. Brian L. Evans, Edward A. Lee, Michael C. Williamson, Dave Wilson, and the DSP Design Group, ``Ptolemy Tutorial,'' 2nd Annual ARPA Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors Conference, Alexandria, VA, July 24, 1995.
  6. ``DSP Design Group -- Four Viewgraph Summary of the Ptolemy Project, November 11, 1994
  7. E. A. Lee, ``Signal Processing Experiments using Ptolemy -- Instructor's Manual,'' Unpublished Memorandum, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, May, 1994.

Created Mon Feb 22 14:12:22 1999
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