1996 Research Summaries for the Ptolemy Project

Parallel systems and simulations in Ptolemy

Researcher:Patrick Warner
Advisor:Edward A. Lee
Sponsors:National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM) and the Ptolemy Project

The Ptolemy environment has inherent features that make it an attractive base for building parallel systems and simulations, such as its dataflow scheduling and partitioning. Of particular interest for parallelism in Ptolemy are the matters of inter-process communication, program scheduling, and synthesis of software from dataflow graphs. In order to create and test parallel systems and simulations, an appropriate computing platform is needed. Existing parallel platforms for Ptolemy include standard TCP/IP connected workstations and the Berkeley Network of Workstations (NOW).

This research focuses on implementing parallel systems and simulations in Ptolemy. Current research includes the use of fast active messages (Lanai AM) on the NOW in the Ptolemy Code Generation in C (CGC) domain, as well as support in Ptolemy for Split-C (parallel version of C) on the NOW. Future work will include other parallel architectures, such as parallel embedded systems.

Send comments to Patrick Joseph Obregon Warner at pow@eecs.berkeley.edu.