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7.0 Appendix: Generated Code

7.2 ADPCM Generated Assembly Code

;User: pino
;Date: Wed Mar 17 17:19:46 1993
;Target: S-56X
;Universe: DPCM
	org p:
	ori	#03,mr	;disable interrupts
	include `/home/ohm1/users/messer/ptolemy/lib/cg56/intequlc.asm'
	include `/home/ohm1/users/messer/ptolemy/lib/cg56/ioequlc.asm'
	include `/home/ohm1/users/messer/ptolemy/lib/cg56/s56x.asm'
;initialization code from star DPCM.monoADDA1.Fork.output=21 (class AnyAsmFork)
;initialization code from star DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1 (class CG56SSI)
;initialization for state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1.missCnt
	org	y:15
	dc	0
	org p:
ssi_0_savereg	equ	68
ssi_0_buflen		equ	8
ssi_0_buffer		equ	0
ssi_0_recv_sptr	equ	74
ssi_0_recv_iptr	equ	76
ssi_0_xmit_sptr	equ	75
ssi_0_xmit_iptr	equ	77
ssi_0_dualbuf	equ	0

; Initialize all the pointers to the right place.
; Note that recv&xmit bufs are at the same add but recv in x: and xmit in y:
 org x:74
 dc ssi_0_buffer
 org x:76
 dc ssi_0_buffer
 org x:75
 dc ssi_0_buffer
 org x:77
 dc ssi_0_buffer
 org p:
 move #ssi_0_buffer,r0
	.LOOP	#ssi_0_buflen
 bset #0,x:(r0)	; empty recv buf by setting bit 0
 bclr #0,y:(r0)+	; fill xmit buf by clearing bit 0
SAVEPC_3	equ	*
; SSI receive data interrupt vector
 org p:i_ssird
 jsr ssi_0_intr
	org	p:SAVEPC_3
SAVEPC_4	equ	*
; SSI receive data w/ exception interrupt vector
; XXX: this is wrong!!!
 org p:i_ssirde
 jsr ssi_0_intr
	org	p:SAVEPC_4
	movep	#16640,x:m_cra
	movep	#14848,x:m_crb
; Configure Port C pins 8-5 as SSI pins
 bset #8,x:m_pcc		; STD
 bset #7,x:m_pcc		; SRD
 bset #6,x:m_pcc		; SCK (bit clock)
 bset #5,x:m_pcc		; SC2 (frame clock)
; Configure Port C pins 2-0 as raw data pins (normally SCI)
 bclr #2,x:m_pcc
 bclr #1,x:m_pcc
 bclr #0,x:m_pcc
 bset #2,x:m_pcddr		; as outputs
 bset #1,x:m_pcddr
 bset #0,x:m_pcddr
 bset #m_ssl0,x:m_ipr		; set SSI IPL 2
 bset #m_ssl1,x:m_ipr
 bset #m_srie,x:m_crb ; enable SSI rx interupts
;initialization code from star DPCM.monoADDA1.BlackHole1 (class AnyAsmBlackHole)
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.Fork.output=41 (class AnyAsmFork)
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange1 (class CG56QuantRange)
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange1.thresholds
	org	x:81
	dc	0.0
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange1.levels
	org	y:73
	dc	-0.5
	dc	0.5
	org p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange2 (class CG56QuantRange)
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange2.thresholds
	org	x:71
	dc	-0.5
	dc	0.5
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange2.levels
	org	y:70
	dc	-1.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.99999988079071
	org p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange3 (class CG56QuantRange)
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange3.thresholds
	org	x:62
	dc	-0.7
	dc	-0.42
	dc	-0.14
	dc	0.14
	dc	0.42
	dc	0.7
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange3.levels
	org	y:63
	dc	-0.84
	dc	-0.56
	dc	-0.28
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.28
	dc	0.56
	dc	0.84
	org p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.HostSlider1 (class CG56HostSlider)
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.HostSlider1.value
	org	x:82
	dc	0.0
	org p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.HostMButton1 (class CG56HostMButton)
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.HostMButton1.value
	org	x:83
	dc	0.0
	org p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.Mux.input=51 (class CG56Mux)
	org	x:8
	dc	80
	dc	85
	dc	86
	dc	87
	dc	88
	org	y:8
	dc	1-1
	dc	1-1
	dc	1-1
	dc	1-1
	dc	1-1
	org	p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange4 (class CG56QuantRange)
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange4.thresholds
	org	x:48
	dc	-0.845
	dc	-0.715
	dc	-0.585
	dc	-0.455
	dc	-0.325
	dc	-0.195
	dc	-0.065
	dc	0.065
	dc	0.195
	dc	0.325
	dc	0.455
	dc	0.585
	dc	0.715
	dc	0.845
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange4.levels
	org	y:48
	dc	-0.91
	dc	-0.78
	dc	-0.65
	dc	-0.52
	dc	-0.39
	dc	-0.26
	dc	-0.13
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.13
	dc	0.26
	dc	0.39
	dc	0.52
	dc	0.65
	dc	0.78
	dc	0.91
	org p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.Fork.output=42 (class AnyAsmFork)
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.auto-fork-60 (class AnyAsmFork)
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.Sub1 (class CG56Sub)
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.Add.input=21 (class CG56Add)
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.Fork.output=21 (class AnyAsmFork)
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.Fork.output=31 (class AnyAsmFork)
;initialization code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.LMS1 (class CG56LMS)
;initialization for state DPCM.DPCMTX1.LMS1.coef
	org	x:16
	dc	0.99999988079071
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	org p:
; delayLine memory
 org y:16
 bsc 16,0
 org p:
; pointer to delay line into memory
 org y:75
 dc 16
 org p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.APCRx1.Add.input=22 (class CG56Add)
;initialization code from star DPCM.APCRx1.Fork.output=23 (class AnyAsmFork)
;initialization code from star DPCM.APCRx1.Fork.output=24 (class AnyAsmFork)
;initialization code from star DPCM.APCRx1.LMS2 (class CG56LMS)
;initialization for state DPCM.APCRx1.LMS2.coef
	org	x:32
	dc	0.99999988079071
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	dc	0.0
	org p:
; delayLine memory
 org y:32
 bsc 16,0
 org p:
; pointer to delay line into memory
 org y:76
 dc 32
 org p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.SwitchDelay1.switch1.HostButton.buttonType=checkbutton1 (class CG56HostButton)
	org	x:96
	dc	0
	org	p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.SwitchDelay1.switch1.Mux.input=21 (class CG56Mux)
	org	x:13
	dc	95
	dc	98
	org	y:13
	dc	1-1
	dc	1-1
	org	p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.SwitchDelay1.Delay1 (class CG56Delay)
; initialize delay star
; pointer to internal buffer
	org	y:77
 	dc	8192
 	org 	p:
;initialization code from star DPCM.SwitchDelay1.Fork.output=25 (class AnyAsmFork)
	andi	#$fc,mr	;enable interrupts
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.LMS1 (class CG56LMS)
	; initialize address registers for coef and delayLine
 move #16+16-1,r3
; insert here
 move y:75,r5 ; delayLine
 move #15,m5
 ; first adapt coefficients.
 ; multiply the error by the stepSize --> x0
 move #0.0001,x1
 move x:92,x0
 mpyr x0,x1,a
 move a,x0
 move x:(r3),b y:(r5)+,y0
 do #15,endloop_6
 macr x0,y0,b
 move b,x:(r3)-
 move x:(r3),b y:(r5)+,y0
 macr x0,y0,b
 move b,x:(r3)
; move current inputs into delayLine.
 move #93,r0
 move y:75,r5
 move x:(r0)+,y1
 move y1,y:(r5)+
; update delayLine pointer.
 move r5,y:75 ;oldest sample pointer
 ; now compute output.
 lua (r5)-,r5
 clr a x:(r3)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
 do #15,loop1_7
 mac x0,y0,a x:(r3)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
 macr x0,y0,a
 move a,x:91
 move m7,m5
;code from star DPCM.SwitchDelay1.switch1.HostButton.buttonType=checkbutton1 (class CG56HostButton)
	move	x:96,x0		; move value to output
	move	x0,x:97
;code from star DPCM.APCRx1.LMS2 (class CG56LMS)
	; initialize address registers for coef and delayLine
 move #32+16-1,r3
; insert here
 move y:76,r5 ; delayLine
 move #15,m5
 ; first adapt coefficients.
 ; multiply the error by the stepSize --> x0
 move #0.0001,x1
 move x:92,x0
 mpyr x0,x1,a
 move a,x0
 move x:(r3),b y:(r5)+,y0
 do #15,endloop_8
 macr x0,y0,b
 move b,x:(r3)-
 move x:(r3),b y:(r5)+,y0
 macr x0,y0,b
 move b,x:(r3)
; move current inputs into delayLine.
 move #95,r0
 move y:76,r5
 move x:(r0)+,y1
 move y1,y:(r5)+
; update delayLine pointer.
 move r5,y:76 ;oldest sample pointer
 ; now compute output.
 lua (r5)-,r5
 clr a x:(r3)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
 do #15,loop1_9
 mac x0,y0,a x:(r3)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
 macr x0,y0,a
 move a,x:94
 move m7,m5
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.HostMButton1 (class CG56HostMButton)
	move	x:83,x0		; move value to output
	move	x0,x:84
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.HostSlider1 (class CG56HostSlider)
	move	x:82,x0		; move value to output
	move	x0,x:89
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.Fork.output=42 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.Fork.output=21 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.Sub1 (class CG56Sub)
 move x:90,a
 move x:91,x0
 sub x0,a
 move a,x:80
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.Fork.output=41 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.auto-fork-60 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange1 (class CG56QuantRange)
 move #<81,r0
 move #>73,r4
 move x:80,x0
	move	x:89,x1
 move x:(r0),y0
	move	y:(r4)+,y1
	mpy	x1,y0,a
	mpy	x1,y1,b
 cmp	x0,a
 jge	term_10
 move y:(r4),y1
	mpy	x1,y1,b
 move b,x:85
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange2 (class CG56QuantRange)
 move #<71,r0
 move #>70,r4
 move x:80,x0
	move	x:89,x1
 move x:(r0)+,y0
	move	y:(r4)+,y1
 do #2-1,lab_11
	mpy	x1,y0,a
	mpy	x1,y1,b
 cmp	x0,a
 jlt	again_12
 jmp term_13
 move x:(r0)+,y0
	move	y:(r4)+,y1
 cmp	x0,a
 jge	term_13
 move y:(r4),y1
	mpy	x1,y1,b
 move b,x:86
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange3 (class CG56QuantRange)
 move #<62,r0
 move #>63,r4
 move x:80,x0
	move	x:89,x1
 move x:(r0)+,y0
	move	y:(r4)+,y1
 do #6-1,lab_14
	mpy	x1,y0,a
	mpy	x1,y1,b
 cmp	x0,a
 jlt	again_15
 jmp term_16
 move x:(r0)+,y0
	move	y:(r4)+,y1
 cmp	x0,a
 jge	term_16
 move y:(r4),y1
	mpy	x1,y1,b
 move b,x:87
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange4 (class CG56QuantRange)
 move #<48,r0
 move #>48,r4
 move x:80,x0
	move	x:89,x1
 move x:(r0)+,y0
	move	y:(r4)+,y1
 do #14-1,lab_17
	mpy	x1,y0,a
	mpy	x1,y1,b
 cmp	x0,a
 jlt	again_18
 jmp term_19
 move x:(r0)+,y0
	move	y:(r4)+,y1
 cmp	x0,a
 jge	term_19
 move y:(r4),y1
	mpy	x1,y1,b
 move b,x:88
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.Mux.input=51 (class CG56Mux)
	move	#8,r0
	move	x:84,n0
	move	x:(r0+n0),r2
	move	x:(r2),x0
	move	x0,x:92
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.Fork.output=31 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.APCRx1.Fork.output=24 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.DPCMTX1.Add.input=21 (class CG56Add)
	move	x:92,x0	; 1st input -> x0
	move	x:91,a		; 2nd input -> a
	add	x0,a
	move	a,x:93		; this move saturates
;code from star DPCM.APCRx1.Add.input=22 (class CG56Add)
	move	x:92,x0	; 1st input -> x0
	move	x:94,a		; 2nd input -> a
	add	x0,a
	move	a,x:95		; this move saturates
;code from star DPCM.APCRx1.Fork.output=23 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.SwitchDelay1.Fork.output=25 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.SwitchDelay1.Delay1 (class CG56Delay)
 move x:95,x1
 move y:77,r0
 move #8000-1,m0
 move y:(r0),y0
 move x1,y:(r0)+
 move r0,y:77
 move y0,x:98
 move #-1,m0
;code from star DPCM.SwitchDelay1.switch1.Mux.input=21 (class CG56Mux)
	move	#13,r0
	move	x:97,n0
	move	x:(r0+n0),r2
	move	x:(r2),x0
	move	x0,x:73
;code from star DPCM.monoADDA1.Fork.output=21 (class AnyAsmFork)
;code from star DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1 (class CG56SSI)
	move #ssi_0_buflen-1,m0
	move x:ssi_0_recv_sptr,r0
 jset #0,x:(r0),*		; Wait for slot to have data
 move x:(r0),y0 ; Get sample from buffer
	IF	0
 bset #0,x:(r0)+ ; Mark slot as empty
 move y0,x:90
	IF	0
	 move	 y0,x:78
	move x:73,y0
	IF 0
 jclr #0,y:(r0),*		; Wait for slot to be empty
 move y0,y:(r0) ; Put data there
	IF 0
 bclr #0,y:(r0)+ ; Mark slot as full
 bset #0,x:(r0)+ ; Mark slot as empty
 jset #0,x:(r0),*		; Wait for slot to have data
 move x:(r0),y0 ; Get sample from buffer
	IF	0
 bset #0,x:(r0)+ ; Mark slot as empty
 move y0,x:15
	IF	0
	 move	 y0,x:79
	move x:73,y0
	IF 0
 jclr #0,y:(r0),*		; Wait for slot to be empty
 move y0,y:(r0) ; Put data there
	IF 0
 bclr #0,y:(r0)+ ; Mark slot as full
 bset #0,x:(r0)+ ; Mark slot as empty
	move r0,x:ssi_0_recv_sptr
	move m7,m0
;code from star DPCM.monoADDA1.BlackHole1 (class AnyAsmBlackHole)
	jmp	LOOP_5
	jmp	ERROR
;Procedures Begin
; Interrupt handler for DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1
 move y0,x:ssi_0_savereg+0 ; Save y0, r0, m0
 move r0,x:ssi_0_savereg+1
 move m0,x:ssi_0_savereg+2
 move #ssi_0_buflen-1,m0
 move x:ssi_0_recv_iptr,r0	; recv pointer
 move x:m_rx,y0
 jset #0,x:(r0),doRecv_1	; make sure recv slot empty
	IF	1
 move	#$123064,y0			; its full...abort
 jmp	ERROR
	 ; just drop recv sample in y0
	 move	y:-(r0),y0		; go back two (stereo): prev tx sample
	 move	y:-(r0),y0
	 move	y:15,r0
	 move	y0,x:m_tx
	 move	(r0)+
	 move	r0,y:15
	 jmp	done_2
 move y0,x:(r0)
 move y:(r0),y0
 bclr #0,x:(r0)+			; mark slot as used
 move y0,x:m_tx
 move r0,x:ssi_0_recv_iptr	; save updated pointer
 move x:ssi_0_savereg+0,y0 ; Restore y0, r0, m0
 move x:ssi_0_savereg+1,r0
 move x:ssi_0_savereg+2,m0
;Procedures End
; --------------------- Symmetric memory map: 
; Loc 0, length 8, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(buffer), type FIXARRAY (circular)
; Loc 8, length 5, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.Mux.input=51(ptrvec), type INTARRAY
; Loc 13, length 2, state DPCM.SwitchDelay1.switch1.Mux.input=21(ptrvec), type INTARRAY
; --------------------- x memory map: 
; Loc 15, length 1, port DPCM.monoADDA1.BlackHole1(input), type ANYTYPE (circular)
; Loc 16, length 16, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.LMS1(coef), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 32, length 16, state DPCM.APCRx1.LMS2(coef), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 48, length 14, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange4(thresholds), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 62, length 6, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange3(thresholds), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 68, length 3, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(saveReg), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 71, length 2, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange2(thresholds), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 73, length 1, port DPCM.monoADDA1.Fork.output=21(input), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 74, length 1, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(recvStarPtr), type INT
; Loc 75, length 1, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(xmitStarPtr), type INT
; Loc 76, length 1, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(recvIntrPtr), type INT
; Loc 77, length 1, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(xmitIntrPtr), type INT
; Loc 78, length 1, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(prevOut1), type FIX
; Loc 79, length 1, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(prevOut2), type FIX
; Loc 80, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.Fork.output=41(input), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 81, length 1, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange1(thresholds), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 82, length 1, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.HostSlider1(value), type FIX
; Loc 83, length 1, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.HostMButton1(value), type FIX
; Loc 84, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.Mux.input=51(control), type INT
; Loc 85, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.Mux.input=51(input#2), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 86, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.Mux.input=51(input#3), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 87, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.Mux.input=51(input#4), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 88, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.switch51.Mux.input=51(input#5), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 89, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.Fork.output=42(input), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 90, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.Sub1(pos), type FIX
; Loc 91, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.Fork.output=21(input), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 92, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.Fork.output=31(input), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 93, length 1, port DPCM.DPCMTX1.LMS1(input), type FIX
; Loc 94, length 1, port DPCM.APCRx1.Add.input=22(input#2), type FIX
; Loc 95, length 1, port DPCM.APCRx1.Fork.output=23(input), type ANYTYPE
; Loc 96, length 1, state DPCM.SwitchDelay1.switch1.HostButton.buttonType=checkbutton1(value), type FIX
; Loc 97, length 1, port DPCM.SwitchDelay1.switch1.Mux.input=21(control), type INT
; Loc 98, length 1, port DPCM.SwitchDelay1.switch1.Mux.input=21(input#2), type ANYTYPE
; --------------------- y memory map: 
; Loc 15, length 1, state DPCM.monoADDA1.SSI1(missCnt), type INT
; Loc 16, length 16, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.LMS1(delayLine), type INTARRAY (circular)
; Loc 32, length 16, state DPCM.APCRx1.LMS2(delayLine), type INTARRAY (circular)
; Loc 48, length 15, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange4(levels), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 63, length 7, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange3(levels), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 70, length 3, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange2(levels), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 73, length 2, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.DPCMQuant1.QuantRange1(levels), type FIXARRAY
; Loc 75, length 1, state DPCM.DPCMTX1.LMS1(delayLineStart), type INT
; Loc 76, length 1, state DPCM.APCRx1.LMS2(delayLineStart), type INT
; Loc 77, length 1, state DPCM.SwitchDelay1.Delay1(delayBufStart), type INT
; Loc 8192, length 8000, state DPCM.SwitchDelay1.Delay1(delayBuf), type FIXARRAY (circular)

Software Synthesis for Single-Processor DSP Systems Using Ptolemy - 04 SEP 94

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