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2.0 Code Generation with Ptolemy

2.4 Stars

Ptolemy has two basic types of stars: simulation stars and code generation stars. For purposes of this paper, discussion will be limited to code generation stars.

The derivation tree for all currently defined abstract star classes is shown in figure 5. By an abstract star class, we mean that the classes are never used to generate target language code directly. Instead, these classes define macro function expansion and functional interfaces to target specified code streams. The leaf nodes*1 of the tree are used as parents for user definable code generation stars. All methods that are common to all code generation stars reside in base code generation star class (CGStar). Similarly, all code common to assembly code generation stars is found in the assembly language star (AsmStar), and all code common to higher level languages is defined in HLLStar.

Of special interest is the class AnyAsmStar. Stars derived from AnyAsmStar can be utilized in any assembly code generation domain. These stars do not produce code; their purpose is to manipulate the input and/or output buffers connected to these stars. Currently, there are two AnyAsmStars: BlackHole and Fork. We also plan to implement the actors Spread and Collect (described in section 2.5.2) as AnyAsm stars. A BlackHole star is a data sink that discards its input data. Other code generation stars can check if any of their outputs are connected to a BlackHole, and then conditionally generate code based on this fact. Also, all input buffers to BlackHoles are mapped into one single memory location, so even if stars do not check to see if a BlackHole is connected to one of its outputs, minimal buffer memory is utilized. The other type of AnyAsmStar that exists is the Fork star. A Fork star splits the data path into two or more paths; however, all data paths can share a single bu For each of the leaf nodes in figure 5, there exist predefined star libraries. However, for most users' needs, these libraries will be insufficient. As a result, special attention has been given to make star writing in Ptolemy, like Gabriel, easy and systematic [25]. Unlike Gabriel and other code generators previously mentioned, Ptolemy is object oriented, thus allowing users to easily re-use code. For example, the C code generation domain has the family of stars fixed lattice filter, adaptive lattice filter, and a vocoder. Here the vocoder star was derived (in the sense of C++ derived classes) from the adaptive lattice filter, in turn derived from the fixed lattice. Karjalainen in [26] states that object oriented programming environments are well suited for DSP programming methodology.

A typical user-defined code generation star will consist of portholes, states, code blocks, a start() method, an initCode() method, a go() method, a wrapup() method, and an execTime() method. Portholes, states and code blocks are all data members of a star. Portholes specify the inputs and outputs of the star and their types. States define user settable parameters or internal memory states required in the generated code. Code blocks are a pseudo code specification of the target language. By pseudo code, we mean that the code block is made up of the target language and star macro functions. These macro functions can be defined at any level of the inheritance tree. Macro functions include parameter value substitution, unique symbol generation with multiple scopes, and state reference substitution.

Start(), initCode(), go(), wrapup(), and execTime() make up the virtual methods of a star. Users are free to write additional methods that are called from one of five methods listed. The differentiating trait between start(), initCode(), go(), and wrapup() methods is when the method is called. The start() method is called before the schedule is generated and before any memory is allocated. It is responsible for setting up information that will affect scheduling and memory allocation, such as the number of values that are read from a particular porthole or the size of an array state. The initCode() method is called before the schedule is generated and after the memory is allocated; code generated by initCode() appears before the main loop.

The next method to be called is the go() method. This method is called directly from the scheduler. Hence the code generated in the go() method makes up the main loop code. Finally, the wrapup() method is called after the schedule has been completed, allowing the star to place code after the main loop code. For example, a typical use of this method in assembly code generation would be to define subroutines after the main loop code. The final virtual method that star writers may overload is execTime(). This method returns a number that indicates the approximate time to complete one firing of the star. This information is essential for the parallel schedulers.

Stars are typically written not in C++ directly, but rather for a preprocessor called ptlang. This preprocessor generates the "standard boilerplate" necessary to properly initialize states and portholes, create code blocks in a more natural manner, and to register the star with the system so that instances of it may be created by specifying the class name. It also generates documentation for the star.

Software Synthesis for DSP Using Ptolemy - 04 SEP 94
