1999 Ptolemy Miniconference

The 3rd Ptolemy Miniconference was held on February 19, 1999.
  • EE Times Article
  • Ptolemy II demonstrations
  • This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright.

    Slides and Documents from the 1999 Ptolemy Miniconference

    Title Author Pages Download
    Title sheet   1 [PDF]
    Program   1 [PDF]
    Overview of the Ptolemy Project Edward A. Lee, UCB 14 [PDF] [HTML]
    Introduction Edward A. Lee, UCB 6 [PDF]
    Overview of Models of Computation Edward A. Lee, UCB 16 [PDF]
    Control Logic using Hierarchical FSM Bilung Lee, UCB 9 [PDF]
    Optronics Systems Specification: Mission & High-Level Behavior Co-validation Xavier Warzee,Thomson-CSF 22 [PDF]
    Adaptive Computing System Design and Implementation using the ACS Domain Eric Pauer, Sanders 8 [PDF]
    HP Ptolemy Jose Pino, Hewlett-Packard 15 [PDF]
    Efficient Simulation of Optical Systems Olaf Lenzmann, Virtual Photonics - BNeD 7 [PDF]
    Wireless Network Simulator (WiNeS) Jens Voigt, TU Dresden 7 [PDF]
    Poster Overviews
    Modeling Complex Control Systems John Koo, Bruno Sinopoli, UCB    
    The Ptolemy II Test Bed Christopher Hylands, UCB 8 [PDF]
    Hardware/Software Codesign Using Polis Roberto Passerone, UCB    
    SPIN in Ptolemy for Protocol Modeling Shang-Pin Chang and Nathan H. Law, UCB    
    Real-Time Process Network Sonar Beamformer Brian Evans, UT 5 [PDF]
    System-Level Design Using Y-Charts Bart Kienhuis, UCB 11 [PDF]
    Digital Hearing-Aid Design Richard Tobias, White Eagle System Technology 5 [PDF]
    Alternative Java-Based GUI for Ptolemy 0.7 Holger Schubert, Virtual Photonics - BNeD 2 [PDF]
    Modeling Freespace Optical Systems Steve Levitan, U. Pittsburgh 9 [PDF]
    Demo of the ACS Domain Eric Pauer, Sanders    
    The Design Flow Management Domain Bicheng Wu, UCB    
    Visualization and user interfaces John Reekie, UCB [PDF]
    XML in Ptolemy II Steve Neuendorffer, UCB 5 [PDF]
    Overview of Ptolemy II Edward A. Lee, UCB 16 [PDF] Slides
    3 [PDF] UML Diagrams
    2 [PDF] Sequence Diagrams
    Mixed-Signal System Modeling in Ptolemy II Jie Liu, UCB 6 [PDF]
    Ptolemy II Type System Yuhong Xiong, UCB 6 [PDF]
    Ptolemy II demo - DE Lukito Muliadi, UCB    
    Ptolemy II demo - CSP Neil Smyth, UCB    
    Ptolemy II demo - SDF Steve Neuendorffer, UCB 6 [PDF]
    Ptolemy II demo - FSM Xiaojun Liu, UCB    
    Ptolemy II demo - PN Mudit Goel, UCB 3 [PDF]
    Ptolemy II Software Practice John Reekie, UCB 9 [PDF]
    Plans for the Future Edward A. Lee, UCB 4 [PDF]

    Last Updated: 02/15/99